There are untold thousands of boats and ships at the bottom of the world’s rivers, lakes and oceans but never has an airplane been lost in the sky. This is one of many pithy responses I give to people when they find out that I am a pilot and act concerned for my safety. Typically they express concern over the safety of flying and of general aviation in particular. But if my experiences with aviation are representative of the entire aviation community then safety issues would be less of a topic with the non-flying public.
I am a principal in a local flying club (Des Moines Flying Club) and recently served as the club’s treasurer. The club has 24 principal owners for the club’s five airplanes. All of the airplanes are based at Des Moines International Airport in the south T-hangers. Additionally, over 80 non-principals pay a monthly fee to have access to the aircraft. The club has a Chief Pilot, a Compliance Officer, and several high-hour certified flight instructors. The club’s mission is to provide our pilots with well-maintained aircraft and to promote general aviation in Central Iowa.
Insurance is one of the largest expenses for the club. Recently, we were able to realize significant reductions in premium while improving coverages by providing several insurance carriers complete underwriting information. We would like to be your aviation insurance agent. Consider using a local insurance agent, who is also a pilot, to represent you to the insurance marketplace.