I am ready for spring to “sprung” but it, of course, brings the risk of flooding. I cannot image the heartache of the many people in Fort Dodge with several feet of the Des Moines River in their homes caused by a February thaw. Then a return to seasonable temperatures froze the river again so the water will remain in their now ruined homes for weeks to come.
Floods are a part of living in Iowa. As an Iowan since 1979, living in Carlisle, Waukee, Urbandale and West Des Moines, I have seen numerous 500, 250 and 100 year floods! When I lived in Carlisle during the 1980’s Lake Red Rock would occasionally back up to the city limits – giving us a lake view! Red Rock was built to control flooding downstream but it also backs up the Des Moines River and the Raccoon River. The rivers backed up in 1993 and greatly impacted Des Moines, Clive, Windsor Heights, Johnston, West Des Moines and, with the loss of the water plant, everyone in the Des Moines Metro area. In the years since 1993 flooding has occured here and the threat of a great disaster was ever present.
It is critical that you educate yourself about flood risks. There are on-line resources available that can help address your concerns and help you to be prepared:
- www.BeReadyIowa.org - tips about creating emergency supply kits and evacuation plans.
- www.FloodSmart.gov – information defining flood and instructions on how to read a flood map. Find out if you are in a flood zone and get some idea of the cost of flood insurance.
- www.rio.iowa.gov – information about the Rebuild Iowa Office.
Now is a good time to start thinking about Flood insurance since there is a 30-day waiting period before coverage goes into effect. Flood insurance is not provided in your standard homeowners or business owners’ policy. Flood insurance is a separate policy that is backed by the Federal government on a “Preferred Risk” policy. This coverage is sometimes confused with water back-up coverage. Although most standard policies provide for a limited amount of coverage for water back up and/or sump pump failure, it is not the same as flood insurance.
If you are concerned about flooding issues, or want to know if you should be, give us a call. As your Trusted Choice independent agent we can help you get the coverage you may need.